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Caricamento Voli in Corso...
'); var fields = results.split(","); if (fields[1] == true) { beepryPolling(fields[0],k); } else{ $('#flight_'+k).html('


'); } }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } function ticketmaster(){ var To = $('#ToSearch').val().split("|"); var FromDate = $('#FromDate').text(); var ToDate = $('#ToDate').text(); $('#ticketmaster').html('
Caricamento Eventi in Corso...
'); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/ticketmaster", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { coordinate:To[1],datefrom: FromDate,dateto:ToDate}, success: function(results){ $('#ticketmaster').html(results); }, complete: function(e) { initializeOwl(); }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } function rentalcars(){ $('#rentalcars').html('
Caricamento Auto in Corso...
'); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/rentalcars", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", success: function(results){ $('#rentalcars').empty(); $('#rentalcars').html('

directions_carNoleggia la tua AUTO

' + results + '
'); }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } //Inizio Prestia e Comande function prestiaecomande(k){ $('#bus_'+k).html('
Caricamento Prestia e Comandè in Corso...
'); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/prestiaecomade", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { volo:volo,date1:date1,date2:date2,adult:adult,children:children,infant:infant }, success: function(results){ $('#bus_'+k).html('
Caricamento Bus in Corso...
'); $('#bus_'+k).html('
' + results + '
'); }, complete: function(data) { FromDate = $('#FromDate').text().replace("-","/"); FromDate = FromDate.replace("-","/"); ToDate = $('#ToDate').text().replace("-","/"); ToDate = ToDate.replace("-","/"); $('#f_data_partenza').val(FromDate); $('#f_data_ritorno').val(ToDate); passeggeri = 0; passeggeri = parseInt($('#AdultSelect').text()); passeggeri += parseInt($('#ChildSelect').text()); $('#passeggeri').empty(); for(k=0; k < passeggeri; k++) { valore = '
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"); $('#message').html("

Contact Form Submitted!

") .append("

We will be in touch soon.

") .hide() .fadeIn(1500, function() { $('#message').append(""); }); } }); return false; }); //alert(passeggeri); //alert (FromDate); /*$('#f_data_partenza').datepicker({ format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' , language: codice_lingua , startDate: FromDate , autoclose: true }).on('show.bs.modal', function(event) { // prevent datepicker from firing bootstrap modal "show.bs.modal" event.stopPropagation(); }); $('#f_data_ritorno').datepicker({ format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' , language: codice_lingua , startDate: ToDate , autoclose: true }).on('show.bs.modal', function(event) { // prevent datepicker from firing bootstrap modal "show.bs.modal" event.stopPropagation(); }); */ }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } //Fine Prestia e Comande function AgodaHotels(valore){ valore = Math.floor(Math.random() * 29) + 1; var To = $('#ToSearch').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: base_url + "index.php/search/AgodaDatabase", data:{ to:To, valore:valore}, success: function(results) { $('#AgodaHotels').html(results); }, complete: function(data) { setTimeout(function(){ valore = Math.floor(Math.random() * 29) + 1; AgodaHotels(valore) }, 15000); } }); } function ferrysearch(variabile) { completa = variabile; //alert (completa); variabile = variabile.split("_"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: base_url + "index.php/search/ferrysearch", data:{ from:variabile[1], to:variabile[2],lat1:variabile[3], lng1:variabile[4],lat2:variabile[5], lng2:variabile[6]}, success: function(results) { if (results == 1) { traghettilines(variabile[0]); } else if (results == 2) { libertylines(variabile[0]); } //$('#bus_'+variabile[0]).html(results); } }); //alert (variabile); } function bussearch(variabile) { completa = variabile; //alert (completa); variabile = variabile.split("_"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: base_url + "index.php/search/bussearch", data:{ from:variabile[1], to:variabile[2],lat1:variabile[3], lng1:variabile[4],lat2:variabile[5], lng2:variabile[6]}, success: function(results) { if (results == 1) { prestiaecomande(variabile[0]); } else if (results == 2) { busradar(completa); } else if (results == 3) { flixbus(variabile[0]); } else if (results == 4) { bigbusecubing(variabile[0]); } else if (results == 5) { terravision(variabile[0]); } else if (results == 6) { infobus(variabile[0]); } //$('#bus_'+variabile[0]).html(results); } }); //alert (variabile); } function initializeh3click() { $(".parent").children("h3").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(".parent").children("section").hide(); var splitto = $(this).prop('id').split("_"); if (splitto[0] == "bussearch") { if (lastclickinfo.indexOf(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]) == "-1") { lastclickinfo.push(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]); bussearch(splitto[1]+'_'+splitto[2]+'_'+splitto[3]+'_'+splitto[4]+'_'+splitto[5]+'_'+splitto[6]+'_'+splitto[7]); } $(this).siblings("section").toggle(); } else if (splitto[0] == "ferrysearch") { if (lastclickinfo.indexOf(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]) == "-1") { lastclickinfo.push(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]); ferrysearch(splitto[1]+'_'+splitto[2]+'_'+splitto[3]+'_'+splitto[4]+'_'+splitto[5]+'_'+splitto[6]+'_'+splitto[7]); } $(this).siblings("section").toggle(); } else if (splitto[0] == "busradar") { if (lastclickinfo.indexOf(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]) == "-1") { lastclickinfo.push(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]); busradar(splitto[1]); } $(this).siblings("section").toggle(); } else if (splitto[0] == "bigbusecubing") { if (lastclickinfo.indexOf(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]) == "-1") { lastclickinfo.push(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]); bigbusecubing(splitto[1]); } $(this).siblings("section").toggle(); } else if (splitto[0] == "trainsearch") { if (lastclickinfo.indexOf(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]) == "-1") { lastclickinfo.push(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]); train(splitto[1]); } /*$('#traincontent_'+splitto[1]).modal({ show: true, backdrop: 'static', keyboard: true });*/ $(this).siblings("section").toggle(); } else if (splitto[0] == "VoloBeepry") { if (lastclickinfo.indexOf(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]) == "-1") { lastclickinfo.push(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]); beepry(volo,date1,date2,adult,children,infant,splitto[1]); } $(this).siblings("section").toggle(); } else if (splitto[0] == "traghettilines") { if (lastclickinfo.indexOf(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]) == "-1") { lastclickinfo.push(splitto[0]+"_"+splitto[1]); traghettilines(splitto[1]); } $(this).siblings("section").toggle(); } //$(".parent").children("section").hide(); //$(this).siblings("section").show(); //alert($(this).prop('id')); //$(this).siblings("section").toggle(1000,'linear'); }); } function train(k) { var From = $('#FromModal').val(); var To = $('#ToModal').val(); From = From.split(","); To = To.split(","); var FromDate = $('#FromDate').text(); FromDate = FromDate.replace("-","."); FromDate = FromDate.replace("-","."); var ToDate = $('#ToDate').text(); passeggeri = 0; passeggeri = parseInt($('#AdultSelect').text()); passeggeri += parseInt($('#ChildSelect').text()); $('#train_'+k).html('
Caricamento Treni in Corso...
'); /*$('#busradar').html('

directions_busPrenota il Tuo BUS e il tuo Treno

Un servizio offerto da busradar.it
');*/ //$('#train_'+k).html(''); $('#train_'+k).html(''); /*var From = $('#ToSearch').val(); var To = $('#FromSearch').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: base_url + "index.php/search/trainline", data:{ to:To, from:From}, success: function(results) { $('#train_'+k).html(results); } });*/ } function bigbusecubing(k){ $('#bus_'+k).html('
Caricamento Bus in Corso...
'); /*$('#busradar').html('

directions_busPrenota il Tuo BUS e il tuo Treno

Un servizio offerto da busradar.it
');*/ $('#bus_'+k).html('
'); } function busradar(k){ //alert (k); trovo = k.split("_"); var From = $('#FromModal').val(); var To = $('#ToModal').val(); From = From.split(","); To = To.split(","); var FromDate = $('#FromDate').text(); FromDate = FromDate.replace("-","."); FromDate = FromDate.replace("-","."); var ToDate = $('#ToDate').text(); passeggeri = 0; passeggeri = parseInt($('#AdultSelect').text()); passeggeri += parseInt($('#ChildSelect').text()); $('#bus_'+trovo[0]).html('
Caricamento Bus in Corso...
'); /*$('#busradar').html('

directions_busPrenota il Tuo BUS e il tuo Treno

Un servizio offerto da busradar.it
');*/ $('#bus_'+trovo[0]).html('

Un servizio offerto da busradar.it
'); } function trainline(){ $('#trainline').html('
Caricamento Treni in Corso...
'); /* var uri = 'https://impit.tradedoubler.com/imp?type(img)g(23905526)a(2953595)' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); $('#trainline').html(''); */ var From = $('#ToSearch').val(); var To = $('#FromSearch').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: base_url + "index.php/search/trainline", data:{ to:To, from:From}, success: function(results) { $('#trainline').html(results); } }); //$('#trainline').html('
'); } function tiqets(){ $('#tiqets').html('
Caricamento Eventi in Corso...
'); var city = $('#ToModal').val(); var idcity = 0; var trovocountries = 0; var trovocity = 0; /*$.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/tiqest", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { city: city }, success: function(results){ $('#tiqets').html(results); }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } });*/ $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/tiqest_init", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { page:1, page_size:1, countries: city }, success: function(results){ results = results.split("|"); lunghezza = results[2]/results[1]; if (results[2] > 0) { for (i=1; i<=lunghezza;i++) { page = i; page_size = results[1]; city = results[3]; $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/tiqest_countries", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { page:page, page_size:page_size, countries: city }, success: function(results){ if (results > 0) { i = lunghezza; $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/tiqest_init_city", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { page:1, page_size:1, countries: city, idcountries: results }, success: function(results){ resultscity = results.split("|"); lunghezzacity = resultscity[2]/resultscity[1]; for (l=1; l<=lunghezzacity;l++) { pagecities = l; page_sizecities = resultscity[1]; city = resultscity[3]; idcountries = resultscity[4]; $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/tiqest_city", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { page:pagecities, page_size:page_sizecities, countries: city, idcountries: idcountries }, success: function(results){ idcity = results; if (idcity > 0) { l = lunghezzacity; $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/tiqest", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { city: city, idcity :idcity }, success: function(results){ $('#tiqets').html(results); }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } } }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/search/tiqest", method: "POST", // dataType: "html", data: { city: city, idcity :idcity }, success: function(results){ $('#tiqets').html(results); }, error : function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } function citysightseeing(){ /*$('#busforfun').html('
Caricamento Divertimenti in Corso...
'); $('#busforfun').html('
');*/ $('#citysightseeing').html('
Caricamento in Corso...
'); $('#citysightseeing').html('

Prenota il Tuo Giro della Città

'); } function thefork(){ /*$('#busforfun').html('
Caricamento Divertimenti in Corso...
'); $('#busforfun').html('
');*/ $('#thefork').html('
Caricamento in Corso...
'); $('#thefork').html('

Prenota il Tuo Ristorante

'); } function flixbus(k){ /*$('#busforfun').html('
Caricamento Divertimenti in Corso...
'); $('#busforfun').html('
');*/ $('#bus_'+k).html('
Caricamento in Corso...
'); $('#bus_'+k).html('
'); } function infobus(k){ /*$('#busforfun').html('
Caricamento Divertimenti in Corso...
'); $('#busforfun').html('
');*/ $('#bus_'+k).html('
Caricamento in Corso...
'); $('#bus_'+k).html('
'); } function sportsevents365(){ $('#sportsevents365').html('
Caricamento Eventi Sportivi in Corso...
'); $('#sportsevents365').html('

Prenota il Tuo Evento Sportivo

UEFA Champions League tickets
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